Our Mission

Meaningfully reducing online exploitation requires changing the systems that allow it to happen #

The war against exploitation is a multi-front effort: Organizations who help victims and go after purveyours of child erotica - law enforcement[1], National Center For Missing & Exploited Children[2], Polaris[3], OUR[4], Thorn[5] - are each doing important work.

We've learned from much sad experience that just combating the immediate evil isn't enough, however. Whether it's alcoholism or drug abuse or terrorism, lasting change only can happen when the fundamental underpinnings of the problem are changed. Needs must be met, motivations shifted, and cultures reconciled to avoid replacing one problem with another.

This is DeepGood's mission.

We leverage technological advances to shift the underlying mileau to undermine exploitation and create fertile ground for individual and societal progress.

How we do it #

We use generated content, honeytraps, mock domains - "fake news" of the online exploitation world - to undermine trust in purveyors and collapse markets. We fight fire with fire, using methods historically reserved for well funded intelligence and military organizations for societal good rather than political objectives.

Deep learning and artificial intelligence advances make techniques possible that previously were only the purview of exceptionally well-funded and heavily-staffed organizations[6]:

Standing together, we can make the world a better place by eliminating online sexual exploitation and then turning these technological marvels to create for individuals.

  1. https://www.fbi.gov/resources/victim-services/cpva ↩︎

  2. https://www.missingkids.org/home ↩︎

  3. https://polarisproject.org/ ↩︎

  4. https://ourrescue.org/ ↩︎

  5. https://www.thorn.org/ ↩︎

  6. (which historically means either large profit-motivated businesses or government in wartime) ↩︎

  7. On a small scale, we use fake content to lead victims to help and perpetrators to justice; on a large scale, we use it to collapse markets for exploitative material; see {ToDo link} for more information ↩︎

  8. Who, if we could even make suffient money to employ them, would be occupied with creating base material rather than cultural contributions ↩︎

  9. See of course the case of Jeffrey Epstein for one of the clearest accounts of what money can buy - https://www.theblaze.com/chad-prather/the-jeffrey-epstein-expose-part-1-follow-the-money https://www.netflix.com/title/80224905 ↩︎

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